Interesting facts about the Dendrobium Thongchai Threelips orchid as a plant


Thongchai Threelips has been known for its durability, which is attributed to the 3 sepals of its petals, which hold water to help keep the flowers moist and healthy. This species can be easily grown from cuttings, ensuring a long-lasting flowering display. It thrives in high humidity conditions and prefers shade or partial shade during the day. The roots can handle varying temperatures and drought.

However, this species can also be quite demanding when it comes to pest control, so regular inspections are crucial to ensure its well-being.  7.91 in or 200.88 mm in length and has an average bloom time of 7-8 days. It also has the lowest average diameter of any Orchid flower species at 0.47 inches or 1.20 cm. It has been grown and distributed worldwide for the last 30 years.

How to care for Dendrobium Thongchai Threelips?

  1. Provide a stable environment:
  • Keep the plant away from direct sunlight, preferring indirect sunlight or filtered sunlight.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes and excessive moisture.

2. Water regularly:

  • Provide the orchid with sufficient water during the growing period, ensuring that the soil is always slightly moist.
  • If the soil appears to be drying out, gently mist the roots or apply a water mist.

3. Maintain appropriate humidity:

  • Thongchai Threelips prefers high humidity, so make sure the surrounding environment remains moist.
  • Avoid exposing the orchid to extreme heat or cold, as this can harm its delicate petals.

4. Prune old growth:

  • After flowering, cut off any spent or broken parts of the flower stem, encouraging new growth.
  • You can also remove the lower sepals as they die back, revealing the characteristic 3 sepals of Thongchai Threelips.

5. Feed occasionally:

  • To maintain vibrant growth and flowers, feed the orchid occasionally with a high-potassium, slow-release fertilizer.

6. Regularly inspect for pests:

  • Monitor the orchid closely for signs of pests or disease, such as whitefly, scale insects, or rot.
  • Promptly treat any problems that arise to prevent them from worsening and impacting the overall health of the orchid.

7. Prune roots for repotting:

  • After the plant has finished flowering and its roots have started to die back, it's time to repot the orchid.
  • Before repotting, cut back the roots to about 1-2 inches above the root knot, as overly long roots can rot in potting soil.

By following these care instructions, you can successfully grow and maintain Dendrobium Thongchai Threelips in your home or garden.

What is the difference between Dendrobium Thongchai Threelips and other orchids?

  1. The main difference between Dendrobium Thongchai Threelips and other orchids lies in their natural growth habit. Dendrobium Thongchai Threelips grows with its roots exposed, creating a characteristic, tufted appearance. Other orchids typically grow with their roots covered.
  2. Dendrobium Thongchai Threelips is also known for its beautiful white, cream, and yellow flowers with distinctive purple spots on the sepals. These flowers often grow in clusters, creating a striking display.
  3. In terms of care requirements, Dendrobium Thongchai Threelips has slightly different needs compared to other orchids. For example, it requires a slightly higher humidity level than many other orchids. Additionally, the orchid should be repotted more frequently than some other orchids.

Despite these differences, Dendrobium Thongchai Threelips can still be considered an orchid and is classified in the same family (Orchidaceae) as other orchids.

What is the best potting mix for Dendrobium Thongchai Threelips?

  1. It is important to note that Dendrobium Thongchai Threelips grows with its roots exposed, so the potting mix should not be packed down too tightly.
  2. A well-draining mix that contains equal parts of sand, sphagnum moss, and bark chips or coconut coir is recommended.
  3. Ensure that the pH of the potting mix is slightly acidic (between 6.0 and 6.5), as this is ideal for most orchids.
  4. Add a handful of small stones to the potting mix to help improve drainage and aeration.
  5. Before potting the orchid, allow the potting mix to come to room temperature.
  6. Gently loosen the roots of the orchid using a wet paper towel or cloth.
  7. Transfer the roots to the potting mix and ensure that the top of the orchid is at least an inch above the surface of the mix.
  8. Gently press the mix down around the roots of the orchid.
  9. Add more potting mix as needed to achieve the desired pot height.
  10. Place the potted orchid in a bright location, with high air circulation.
  11. Regularly monitor the orchid's soil for moisture and repot when necessary to maintain optimal growing conditions.

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